
Gaffa and Rasmus

I made an interview for the danish music magazine Gaffa, for the june issue about education. Rasmus Weng Karlsen is a great photographer and he took some pictures for the article and some others for his blog


The pirat radioshow

Here is the radio show - very danish and cosy - in the middle you can here our new single Difference in it´s full length (not yet released)


In the radio tonight with Difference

Tonight I will talk for a whole hour about Marybell, music and stuff in our college radio Aarhus Studenterradio. You can also listen here . I think I will actually bring the new and not-even-released-yet-single Difference. So go for a ride in you old car and tune in at 98,7 FM if you still know how to....


#1 Different Difference

The idea is to make the song Difference in many many different versions that we will release as time passes - made by different artist we think is different enough to make a differet difference. Here you see Jens Mønsted working on his club-difference, and me and Q trying to be cool with the sound of the young. Boy, I look forward to compare this to the version made by Bronson Brothers. Hopefully they will be released together with our version (and maybe a couple more) in about a month or so, right here...

#1 Different Differences feat. Jens Mønsted from marybell katastrophy on Vimeo.