
Sorry Germany, thank you explosions!

One sad fact we have to face: Our german shows are postponed once again, till after summer. There is many reasons for this, that I don´t want to bore you with. But I have to say I really miss good old germany! It´s frustrating when logistics obstruct music.

But the other day helped a little bit on the frustrations: Emil and I played two songs for the opening of an art exhibition in Viborg . The exhibition is centered around a project we are a part of called Love Alley arranged by Marianne Jørgensen; a wonderful artist who once wrapped a tank in pink knitting. It´s a bit hard to explain the concept of Love Alley, but our part is a vulcano with sound. In the movieclip you can see some explosions she made in the beginning of the project outside her house... what a setting -


Emil said...


Petr Matas said...

The silhouette video is really nice. I'm happy especially about the possibility to see live performance of one my favorite song Good Old Germany. Thanks to part of audience with the mobile phone or little camera. I'm excited about quality of capturing which everybody can have from little cheap peace of plastic in a pocket.

hans! said...

det er helt forrygende hypnotiserende det her, mand! god dang!