
The thing about making music and dopamine levels

My dear friend Johannes aka. Cabin Fever also has a blog about his music here. Right now his also finishing his version of Difference. Apart from being one of the most talented songwriters I know, he is also very wise and funny, a good combination I would say. A while ago he posted this graph on his blog, and boy did I recognize the feeling going through the proces of making a song:

A few weeks after he posted this I saw a great lecture on the internet about animals and humans compared, by Robert Sapolsky. About 25 min. into the lecture he started talking about dopamine rushes, when solving a task (as eg. making a song) that we humans crave and live for, and the similarity with Johannes graph was striking...

1 comment:

Petr Matas said...

The dissapontment/excitement waves of creative proces are nearly same for all art disciplines. Cabin Fever's graph is funny. I like ""WTF?! cue vocals" and "first vocal with real words" especially. Here is a similar but life time graf from photography world:

very funny also and very near to true for new wave of digital photography (see the HDR hole - it is mostly digital photography attribute)